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Jim Rustman

Agency Owner

What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?

I was a correctional Officer making just under 50k per year.

Jim and I worked together at the jail and he told me about it.

Once I decided to actually start working. I have a far less stressful life and I have more free time with my family.

I have just recently begun to build my agency; as hard as it is managing others and getting used to the ups and downs of that, I would not trade it for another job. I absolutely love where I am.

I would tell every new agent who is not building to start building; even with warm market I you don’t have a recruiting budget. It makes the transition so much easier especially on the weeks when I don’t perform the way I know I can.

Karin Reid

Agency Owner

What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?

I was the Director of Operations at a consulting firm for 5 years. Prior to that I had been in direct sales for over 20 years.

The importance of what we do …. Helping people.

I love my life now! I don’t dread every day at the thought of going to work. And the people that have become part of my life are the richest blessing.

I was able to retire my husband who has now gone back to school to get his degree full-time. My husband and I have been able to travel without worrying about the money or for asking for permission to take time off work. We bought a camper and paid cash!

Trust the system. Listen to your mentor and do what they tell you to do. They want you to succeed as much as you do! BELIEVE and Don’t Quit.

Wesley Engbrecht

Key Leader

What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?

Before Symmetry I was in automotive sales. I worked for a Subaru, Mazda and Hyundai dealership. I consistently was a 6 figure earner in the car business.

I was tired of not having a “work/life” balance. Selling cars required 60+ hours each week and 3 out of every 4 Saturdays. I wanted my life back without having to sacrifice income.

I now actually have tremendously less stress, a true work/life balance and LOVE working on the two main focuses in my life; leaving a legacy and helping others. I have the honor of helping others build an insurance business while also helping families protect what’s most important!

The travel to our conferences/conventions along with the opportunity to earn the amazing trips that our insurance companies have each year is simply amazing. Most importantly though? The ability to further develop myself as a person, husband and leader through our great team!

NEVER EVER EVER EVER QUIT!!! This business works 100% of the time IF the system is followed and you provide the hard and focused work. The map and blueprint for success is already here. Just be smart enough to follow it!

Amanda Luckie

Key Leader

What were you doing before Symmetry and what was your approximate income?

The question is, what WASN’T I doing before Symmetry! Before Symmetry, I was what I would call a serial job hopper. My husband, Tim and I loved traveling around doing seasonal work places and with that lifestyle comes a lot of variety. I was doing anything from recruiting for a travel nursing company, to teaching 6th graders math, to becoming a professional juice maker to working as a Human Resources Manager! However, the last several years of my career I was a bartender down in the Florida Keys and I made on average between $60k-$70k per year depending how busy the season got.

What first peaked my interest at Symmetry was the flexibility and being able to work remotely. I started my career here in October of 2020. Ahhh yes, we all remember the glorious year of 2020! If you read the answer to my last question, you probably know being a bartender during the height of covid was no place to be.
Immediatley over night, my job was nearly eliminated. My restaurant was one of the few lucky ones to be able to stay open during the pandemic, but my hours were severely cut.
My husband, who was also a bartender actually got laid off, so it was up to me at this point to provide for myself, our daughter, and him. Talk about a tough situation to find yourself in, but I knew this was my opportunity for change in a big way. Having a new born during this time was already a big challenge and I knew very quickly that I didn’t want to work in a bar, during the pandemic. I wanted my hours to be on my terms and work around my daughters schedule, from the comfort of my own home. At the time, I knew I needed a big change and there wasn’t anything else I could find that would provide me with exactly what I was looking for.

I am now unemployable anywhere else! Where else can you find an uncapped salary, from the comfort of your own home, scheduling things on your own time, that will pay you whatever effort you decide to put into it? When I first joined Symmetry, I thought it was too good to be true. I literally told myself, “There is no way that I can make good money, be my own boss doing it, and have the flexibility and time to still be involved with my family.” I’m here ot tell you IT IS TRUE. I’ve learned so many unexpected things by becoming part of this team as well. Not only does this lifestyle exist, but also the leadership and personal development that has been enstilled in me is unparallel. It sounds stupid to say, but I never realized how important developing as a person directly effects your rate of growth from a business standpoint. I didn’t realize that in order for my pocket book to grow, so did I.

The first thing that comes to mind is control over my own schedule. For most of my life, I’ve worked in places where you are caught in the grind – working hours upon hours a week to maybe get one holiday off a year, if you’re lucky! IF I even got my requested time off, I couldn’t take more than a few days here or there. You start having that feeling of “Yes, I’m making decent money, but at what cost?” Now, I can literally work anywhere I want as long as I can find an internet connection. This summer alone, my family went on 4 different trips – some of which I worked remotely and some of which I just took an entire week off. That’s the beauty of this industry, you pick as much or as little has you’d like to work and the only person you ask permission from is yourself. Now, if you’re going to ask me THE BIGGEST opportunity Symmetry has provided it would be the time I get with my family. As I previously mentioned, I started this career when my daughter was still new! How lucky am I, that my daughter now gets both her mom and dad to put her to bed every day during her naps and be there when she wakes up to go for a walk outside or make dinners together? Most families are lucky to have one parent do that and I feel so incredibly fortunate that Symmetry has offered me the flexibility to work my schedule the way I want to work it and still see my family.

WHAT A GREAT QUESTION! Right off the bat, my first piece of advice would be to RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FOR WHAT YOU ARE CHASING!
What I mean by “run as fast as you can” is this industry requires you to see success quickly and to find belief in yourself that you can, in fact, DO IT. If you have one foot in, one foot out mentality you more than likely will not last in this business because it’s made only for the strong.
This industry requires that you find belief in yourself quickly. You have to have grit; determination; resilience; perseverance; and most importantly: COURAGE.
The people who give themselves no option but to succeed and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get there are the ones that achieve it. My best piece of advice would be to identify why you want to be here and don’t just simply dabble in achieving your goals, but completely emerge yourself in making that a reality. Have the fire ignited in you so that once it’s lit, there’s no stopping you!